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2014 to 2022 Funding $25,759

POC is now part of CAEF Power of Centennial Grants


The CAEF board felt strongly about honoring and keeping the Power of Centennial members and brand as an important part of CAEF. We are very grateful for all you’ve done and our hope is that through the coming changes of Power of Centennial you will continue to show your support by continuing to donate, volunteer, and participate in our events.


We also wanted to streamline our management of the program and make the grant process, as a whole, more cohesive and simple. Thus combining the two programs allows us to be more efficient in how we manage grant funds, less confusing for applicants, and expand the scope of Power of Centennial. Our hope is that some POC members will join the grant committee and that all members will continue to show their support for grants through their donations. Those donations can also be simplified with online auto pay monthly, yearly, or even weekly. Checks may also be mailed to our address below.




New CAEF Power of Centennial Grant Process:

  • Applications will now be accepted all year  This will allow people to apply anytime.  

  • Funds will be awarded twice per year. The grant committee will meet twice a year to discuss and vote on grant requests.

  • Anyone interested in joining the grant committee is encouraged to apply to be on the committee.  We cap committee members at 10 and will reserve up to 3 spots for past POC members.  This will be an annual commitment.

  • Past POC members are encouraged to continue support as they always have by donating online to the "CAEF Power of Centennial Grants" program, spreading the word about grant opportunities, and seeking programs that need financial support.


Power of Centennial was and still will be a valuable resource for our community and we appreciate all you have and will do to support our students!

Spring 2022 Recipients

1) Centennial Culture Fair by Centennial Students for Change ($100)

2) CHS Physics Supplies for grades 10-12 ($99.92)

3) Centennial Area Learning Center Group Retreat to Fort Snelling ($1,000)

4) ECFE Fall Parent Speaker Sessions ($800.00)

5) World Culture Club Supplies ($600)

6) CHS Musical Professional Orchestra Musicians ($576.08)

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